.. _Build NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with GUI: Build NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with GUI ============================================== * Fill in the **Settings** tab, the build parameters are explained in the table below: .. figure:: ../../../images/GUIDiscreteDynamicSettingsToFill.png :width: 700 :alt: Settings to build a Discrete Dynamic model :align: center Settings to build a Discrete Dynamic model * Press **Build** button * Once the **Build** started, the **Training**, **Evaluation**, **Metrics** and **Export** panels become available. The moment the first model is saved to the checkpoint, these panels can be used as usual. .. _NeurEco Discrete Dynamic build parameters GUI: Build parameters ---------------- .. csv-table:: Minimum Settings to build a Discrete Dynamic model :file: csv_tables/SettingsBuildDiscreteDynamicGUI.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable :widths: 4, 7 :delim: ; :align: center .. _NeurEco Discrete Dynamic advanced parameters GUI: Advanced parameters ------------------- .. csv-table:: Advanced Settings to build a Discrete Dynamic model :file: csv_tables/AdvancedSettingsBuildDiscreteDynamicGUI.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable :widths: 4, 7 :delim: ; :align: center .. _Data normalization for Discrete Dynamic GUI: Data normalization for Discrete Dynamic ----------------------------------------------- Set **normalize per feature** to True if trying to fit the features of different natures (temperature and pressure for example) and want to give them equivalent importance. Set **normalize per feature** to False if trying to fit the features of the same nature (a set of temperatures for example) or a field. If neither of provided normalization options suits the problem, normalize the data your own way prior to feeding them to NeurEco (and deactivate normalization by setting the **scale** and **shift** to **none**). .. include:: ../CommonPartsDynamic/NormalizationDynamic.rst .. _Control the size of the NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model during Build: Control the size of the NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model during Build ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. include:: ../CommonPartsDynamic/ControlSizeIntro.rst Imposing the maximum number of hidden states, by setting the parameter **max hidden states** in **Advanced settings**, can decrease the size of the constructed model. That is what one is looking for when seeking a trade-off between accuracy and augmenting the embeddability of the model even more. See :std:ref:`Advanced build for Discrete Dynamic` tutorial for an example of usage.